Thursday, April 16, 2009

Live Blogging

Now that you have participated in the Live Blogging session through Cover it Live, tell me your thoughts. What did you learn? What did you like about the discussion? What can we do differently next time to make it easier to talk to other people outside our classroom? Please post a comment!


Anonymous said...

I learn that i had to do other stuff to help the planet to not get destroy. we should not be talk about stupid stuff.

Anonymous said...

Luis what i thing is that we get to recycle the trash if you have clothes you can donate your clothes.

Anonymous said...

I learn about the discussion is that we need to recycle to save our planet and my opinion is that I think that we should have a computer for every one. ISAAC G.

Anonymous said...

Aprendi a resiclar y no contaminar tonto el clima, que era una buena idea ablar de eso por el bien de todos diana

Anonymous said...

one of the things the i leard whas the you really cart at bouth reclycle because when you get nores is goin to be relelly late

Anonymous said...

I learn that we need to recycle tha trash.I like when we talk about recycle.I don't like when the people talk stupid things

Anonymous said...

we need to have are own computer because i want to say my own comment i learn alot of farmers trhat they produce there they did good but they should stay in topic.I like that they speel there name and they did there commont by there sellf.We could bring are own cup to the store .I really like about we talk about.Yzela

Anonymous said...

what i thing is that we get to recycle the trash if you have clothes you can donate.

david panuco

Anonymous said...

That things that i like were that they have good things for help our planet and if we all help the world is going to be a good planet.luis

Anonymous said...

jose i dient like how they where talking and some of them said wat are we talking about.

Anonymous said...

what we could do is bring all the students from district 14 that would like to help us recycle and for people who had never tried recycling could do thise too! what i want is to help our earth and there would be no problems like the gas we need to do something!

Anonymous said...

Lo que me paresio es que es divertido aplar con estos muchacho porque a prendi muchas casas para ayudar el medioamviente.Tambien tienen muy buenas ideas. espero que las personas se dencuenta de lo hermoso que es este mundo y que
lo cuidemos mas para segir disfrutando de las cosas tan hermosas que tine como los her mosos pajaros,animales y todo lo verde.


Anonymous said...

yo aprendi mucho de lo que paso.Unos estudiantes no pensaban lo que estaban ablando. Lo que dems que aser para la ota vas es que ellos sepan lo que estamos ablado. Todo lo dema es perfeto Daisy

Anonymous said...

i learned about recycling and i like our disscusion I would like to do this again